News Related To Prime Video Isolation new rules In India


Isolation new rules India

Isolation new rules India Prime video Amazon has created a million-dollar relief fund for people in the film industry. Who have lost their jobs due to the Coronavirus.

Amazon Chief Content Officer Jeff Bezos said that Kovid-19 has shut down almost all industries except health and some other which is less in comparison to the closed industry. Almost all TV channels and film productions are closed, due to pandemic. Which is the cast and crew have no jobs left which are very difficult face time film for the industry.

All these people have supported Amazon in good time and now we will support them in their bad times especially delivery boy he is a backbone of amazon.

Mostly all Organizations are putting pressure on the government in that condition government steps also very important

More than fifty thousand people have become unemployed in the closed entertainment industry due to Coronavirus. In addition, Amazon will give million of the dollar which is 10 approx. to organizations supporting outside crew.

Many big theaters such as big cinema, Cinemark, Chan have locked up in theaters after the coronavirus attack. According to The Guardian, about 1,20,000 Hollywood workers and 50,000 freelancers have lost their earning due to Corona.

All most world lockdown due to COVID 19 attack and people try to work at home. But it is very difficult to pass there time at home in that case amazon reduce their video quality. With the same clarity of video because in general time data consumption more and the number of a user is less but in current condition, the user is more and consumption of data is more.

News Isolation new rules in India Prime video is launches too many web series and movies on prime video like very interesting web series is panchayat. Which is a untold story of a village person this name is Abhishek posted in village panchayat. He is failed every time in the CAT exam. He thinks he not perfect for this exam on their point of view you must watch this movie on prime panchayat.

Prime video subscription is very less cost in comparison to Netflix if we purchase the yearly plan of prime video then you have to pay less for that, airtel is also more coastally.

If you take yearly subscription of prime video. That will cost you below 1000 rupees in that 1-year prime subscription available.

News TO Isolation new rules India

Methods of payment available online you can pay through net banking, debit, credit card, amazon pay method. Amazon plans to make money in cash also it applied in the upcoming time it will depend on user demand.

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