Marry Elizabeth Truss

Born on 26 July 1975 (age 47) in Oxford, England, is the 3rd Women to be elected as the Prime Minister of UK

Previously Served as a Secratory of State for Foreign, CW & Development Affairs in 2021, and Became the leader of the Governing Conservative Party.

Truss defeated the former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, but after all this political turmoil rebels talk about bringing him to power.

In her 6 weeks into premiership and she has sacked her Chancellor & Unveiled Complexed Tax Schemes, leading to Financial Disaster for UK

She has now appointed the new chancellor as Jermy Hunt after firing the finance minister Kwasi Kwarten.

Seeing all this, the Tory MPs have reportedly opened talks about how to remove her from power and filing a NO-Confidence.

Crispin Blunt

After all this political chaos and recession approaching, United Kingdom can be one of the most Hard Hit with this in 2023